
How To Use Interactive Content To Engage Your Audience

by | Feb 24, 2017 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

Have you ever found yourself clicking through a website where nothing seems to jump out at you? Despite the demise of brochureware in modern marketing, many businesses are still stuck in this mindset, presenting dull, static information that simply does not resonate with online audiences. If people are just scrolling through your website instead of stopping here and there to investigate, chances are you are making the same mistake.

At this point, you might be wondering how much it’s going to cost to overhaul your website, but there is no need to panic yet. No one is telling you to start from scratch, and you can use your existing SEO content writing as a springboard for new ideas. But what types of content will be most effective for your site, and how can you target the specific needs of your audience? To help you understand the importance of interactive content, let’s take a look at how people process and interpret information on the web.

Content Models

Source: http://seoland.in/how-to-be-a-content-marketing-superhero-14-types-of-media-you-need-to-master-2/#.WHiak5UizIU

Changing the Way Users Respond to Content

The first thing you need to know about your audience is that some types of information take longer to interpret than others. This is known as processing efficiency, a function of the brain that serves to decode images, smells, sounds and sensations. If you want to connect with your audience in a way that is both memorable and convincing, you must understand what types of content will leave the strongest impression. Text, for example, takes much longer to process than images and shapes, causing many users to scan for information rather than reading the entire page. On the other hand, users who are presented with visual accompaniment tend to retain more information over time.

With interactive content, you are essentially harnessing the brain’s natural ability to decipher different types of stimuli to draw attention to your website. Even the world’s leading scientists and researchers rely on charts, graphs and assessments to interpret complex information, so it stands to reason that online audiences also need rich, interactive content that is designed to encourage understanding. If consumers see your website as a fast, reliable source of information, chances are they will keep coming back for more.

Performance Attribute

Source: http://customerthink.com/the-business-case-for-interactive-content-marketing/

SEO Content Marketing at Its Best

So what happens to the content writing services you have already paid for or the material you have already published? If you have been working with a professional to refine your SEO strategy, check your contract to see what kinds of content are included with their services. Companies that provide a complete range of content development and marketing services are usually able to repurpose information to create infographics, polls and quizzes that draw users into your site.

Interactive Content

Source: http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2016/07/interactive-content-research/

For those who create and manage their own content, try to visualize new ways to showcase information. What aspects of your content might be confusing to others? How can you plug this information into a different format that is more user-friendly? A good rule of thumb is to take a page or blog post and use it as the foundation for three separate types of content, such as a video, an online assessment and an infographic. You can then use these formats to enhance your website or share them on other platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Generating Interactive Content for Your Website

To give you a better idea of what interactive content really is, here is a list of popular formats that are guaranteed to increase traffic to your website. Keep in mind that you don’t have to use every example shown here, but it does help to test new formats before deciding which ones are most effective.

Online Polls

Online polls and quizzes are one of the quickest ways to get users to interact with your site, but what do they get out of it? According to a recent study conducted by DemandGen, all people really want is to know where they stand when compared to their peers, and 95 percent of marketers agreed that providing benchmark data generates more leads.


Explaining complicated ratios and percentages is a sure path to boredom if you choose static content to convey the details. That is why interactive calculators have become more common as an alternative to standard pricing charts. Whether you are offering competitive rate comparisons or tallying up cost savings for a particular service, consider using a calculator on your website to promote lead generation and links.

Interactive Calculators

Source: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20120327005584/en/Transamerica-Brokerage-Introduces-Interactive-Calculator-TransamericaForLife.com-Easy

Assessment Tools

As the most common type of interactive content, assessments give users a chance to decide if they want more information on a specific subject by asking a series of targeted questions. This also ensures that you are reaching the right audience before sending out a follow-up email or newsletter.

Assessment Tools

Source: http://es.slideshare.net/ioninteractive/deliver-peak-experiences-with-interactive-content


Although infographics are a useful tool on their own, adding interactive elements makes the experience more personal. Try using digital widgets to produce attractive infographics that are customizable, then give users the option to download or share the results.


Video content is another lead generator that is often overlooked by businesses. By embedding tags or URL links into a YouTube video, you are still able to reach users who prefer to avoid written content. You can even make a series of pre-recorded videos that correspond with the information on your website. The key is to direct your audience to additional resources that supplement the content in the video.


Source: https://www.hubspot.com/marketing-statistics

White Papers

Traditionally, white papers are static pages that are packed with information about a specific product or service. It is similar to an essay, persuading users to act based on logic and fact presented. By incorporating interactive elements into your white papers, readers will be more inclined to review all available content, and you’ll be able to see which sections were viewed by visitors.

With these useful content ideas, you can break up the monotony of static pages and attract more people to your website. All you have to do is pinpoint which tools will suit the needs of your audience and leave behind the boring brochureware of the past. In the end, SEO content marketing and interactivity are two sides of the same coin, and embracing this truth is the first step toward creating exciting clickable content for your business.

Greg Secrist
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