
Awards and Community

Awards and Community

Awards and Community

Awards and Community

Here at BKA Content,  we are passionate about lending a helping hand. We feel a deep responsibility to use our success to help and better our community. Having our roots in the mountains of Ogden, Utah and the surrounding Salt Lake valley, we’ve tried to take up local causes that are meaningful to our employees as well as our clients. Learn about some of the causes that we have volunteered and contributed to below.

*Many of these causes are still actively accepting donations if you would like to contribute. Information on how to donate is listed in the posts below.


Fighting COVID-19 One 3D Print at a Time

COVID-19 has certainly changed life as we know it here in the USA and around the world. Businesses have been forced to close, employees are working from home and social distancing has become our best weapon against spreading this horrible disease. Unfortunately, there...

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BKA Content Sponsors 12th Annual Operation Smile Fun Run

In what has become an annual BKA Content tradition, we were honored to be able to sponsor and run in the 12th Annual Operation Smile 5K Fun Run this year.  This was the 8th year we’ve been a part of this awesome event and it was just as amazing as ever. The Cause...

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Project Give: Our Chance To Pay it Forward

There are three things we love at BKA: Christmas, community and company culture. Despite most of our company being scattered all over the country, we strive to create events that bring us all together. This year, we decided to bring the power of the BKA community...

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BKA Content Sponsors 11th Annual Operation Smile 5k Fun Run

Every year, there are over 200,000 kids who are born with either a cleft palate or a cleft lip. This condition can affect the ability of these children to speak, smile or even eat. Operation Smile is an organization that is dedicated to performing...

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Snack Attack: Helping Hungry Kids

We joke about being hangry when we go more than a few hours without food. I’ve likened myself to a zoo animal that has very specific feeding times and gets growly when I don’t get a snack or a meal is delayed. Sometimes we blame our inability to focus in morning...

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Magic for Muggles – 2017 Festival of Trees

What does a British boy-wonder have in common with decorated Christmas Trees in Salt Lake City? BKA Content. This last week, we had the privilege of participating in the Festival of Trees. For the second year in a row, we decorated and donated a tree that...

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Operation Gratitude – Thanking Every American Who Serves

With the holidays upon us, the spirit of giving is in the air.  This last month, we had the privilege and opportunity to hold a collection drive for Operation Gratitude to give back to our troops.  Operation Gratitude is on a mission to thank every...

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Startup Santa Tailgate: Children’s Book Drive

With the weather taking a nosedive and snowfall just around the corner, the holiday spirit is really starting to kick in. This is especially fitting since we were recently invited to take part in a local fundraising/charity event at Rice Eccles Stadium...

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One of Utah’s Fastest Growing Companies 3 Years in a Row

Last week on Oct. 10, we attended an awards luncheon hosted by the MountainWest Capital Network, honoring Utah’s Top 100 fastest growing companies.  The show took place in the ballroom of the Grand America Hotel in SLC and there we got to see our company,...

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BKA Content Sponsors 10th Annual Operation Smile 5k Fun Run

In July of this year, BKA Content had the opportunity to be a sponsor for the 10th Annual Operation Smile 5k Fun Run.  This is an event we’ve been sponsoring for the last 5 years, and hope to continue to do so for many years to come. Operation Smile is an...

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BKA Content Auctions Lego Tree for Festival of Trees Charity

BKA isn’t just about turning a profit; one of the company’s core values is philanthropy. We are always looking for ways to give back to the community and make it a point to do so a couple of times throughout the year. In May, BKA matched the money that members of our...

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