17 Content Writing Tips You Need To Use

17 Content Writing Tips You Need To Use

17 Content Writing Tips You Need To Use According to data reported by Time magazine, the average website visitor spends just 15 seconds before clicking away. In order to get new customers and increase overall sales, you need longer engagement than that! With good web...
Writing a Call to Action They Will Answer

Writing a Call to Action They Will Answer

Writing a Call to Action They Will Answer You persuaded them to click through to the website with a powerful meta description. Hooked them with your tantalizing title and won them over with engaging body content. And then . . . you lost them. Why? Because your call to...
Tautology 101

Tautology 101

Tautology 101 If you attended public school anytime in the last 40 years, you’ve likely been subjected to a motivational speaker. He may have done jail time. He may have known a little slight-of-hand magic. He probably had a mustache, and he almost certainly yelled...