by Seth Saunders | Dec 8, 2023 | On-Page SEO Tips, SEO Strategy Tips
Content Strategy 101: Breathe Life Back Into Old Content Novels. Rum cake. Clay teapots. A good Scotch. Your favorite pair of jeans. What do each of these things have in common? They all seem to get better as they age. Notice that one element was conspicuously missing...
by Seth Saunders | Dec 15, 2022 | Content Marketing Tips, Legal SEO
The Case for Online Marketing for Law Firms You know what they say about good lawyer jokes? There are actually only three; the rest are all true stories. The legal profession in general often suffers from a bad reputation, which can have a harmful effect on online...
by Seth Saunders | Jun 24, 2019 | Content Marketing Tips
Every year, 68 teams get together to put their hearts, souls, and darn near everything else they have on the line to battle it out for college basketball’s top prize. The entire nation seems to stop and hold its collective breath in awaiting the outcome. (Case in...