
The Mighty Meta Descriptions Win!

by | Mar 17, 2017 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

by | Mar 17, 2017 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

Do you love March Madness? If you are like me, your bracket is probably already completely busted. But did you hear about last year’s SEO March Madness tournament? I’m guessing you haven’t, which is why I have a short video below to give you a quick recap to jog your memory.

Save Time and Let Us Write Your Meta Descriptions for $2

If you are spending time writing meta descriptions for your pages, stop. When we write a piece of content for you, the writer (who has just spent time crafting your content) can quickly create an awesome meta description that clearly explains what the content is about. This provides 3 main benefits:

  • Convenience – By having our writer create the meta, you can set it and forget it.
  • Saves Time – If you didn’t write the content yourself, you have to take the time to read through the entire piece of content in order to write a description that clearly explains what the content is about. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
  • It’s Cheap – It’s only $1 for us to add a meta description to a piece of content we have written.

We’ll Supercharge Your Meta Descriptions for $2

Having written millions upon millions of words, our writers know how to craft a great meta description. Why is this awesome for you?

  • SEO – Our writers will target up to 2 keywords in the meta description in order to give you more SEO traction.
  • More Descriptive – Since the writer who wrote your content will also be writing the meta description, you can rest assured that the meta will clearly define what the content is about.

Did I Mention It’s Only $2?

Seriously, for only $1 you can save time and hassle by letting us create your meta descriptions in tandem with your content.

So what are you waiting for? Let BKA Content give your meta descriptions the juice it needs to win the SEO tournament day in and day out.

How To Order Meta Descriptions

If you order content through an account manager, simply let your account manager know that you want them on your next order.

If you order content on our website, select the meta description add-on button to include them with your content.


Greg Secrist
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