content marketing in a recession

The Importance of Content Marketing to Grow Your Business in a Recession

by | Apr 2, 2023 | Content Marketing | 0 comments

News of an impending recession often strikes fear into the hearts of business owners. How will you handle inflation and manage your finances? If you own or operate a small business, you need to develop a game plan to make it through a recession successfully. Focusing solely on cutting costs is not the solution. The best approach to grow your business in a recession is through targeted content marketing.

What Is Content Marketing?

Whether you are trying to form a strategy to revive a struggling business, or you are starting a business in a recession, content marketing is the key to your success. It involves creating compelling content and sharing it through online methods of communication. Popular forms include blog posts, videos, and social media content.

Using online marketing is highly affordable and sustainable. It delivers a big impact for a small investment. For little to no cost, you can reach new customers and deliver powerful incentives to retain existing clients.

content marketing benefits in a recession

You must post information and engaging content across several online channels regularly. Fresh content that reflects the current market trends and recognizes pertinent worldwide events is an amazing way to keep your brand relevant and interesting.

Reach Your Customers With Blogging

Our monthly blog writing service is the affordable content marketing strategy you’re looking for.

Proof Content Marketing Works

This type of marketing delivers real, consistent results to almost any business. Learn about some of the fascinating facts that highlight the achievements and results seen with today’s most popular marketing technique.

Significant Spike in Traffic

Businesses that focus on content marketing see up to 7.8 times more traffic on their site than others. It takes effort to learn to create content that offers high value and connects with readers, but this effort sees significant rewards. It’s an effective method no matter the current state of the economy, so you can even grow your business in a recession.

Better Brand Recognition

The more content your brand puts out, the greater the recognition for your brand grows. An audience that consistently sees compelling and informative content from your brand is more likely to grow curious and follow through with a visit to your site to see what you are all about.

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Focus on personalized content that forms a connection with the reader. It’s also crucial to offer easy ways to navigate to your site to learn more. Stay dedicated to high-value content, as you only have seconds to capture the attention of your audience and prompt them to continue reading.

Higher Conversion Rates

Indeed, perfecting content marketing takes a lot of effort. You need to spend the time and money to develop the skills you need and learn how to use the available channels of communication effectively for your industry. The reward is that content marketing results deliver six times higher conversion rates than the methods used in traditional marketing.

Less Fear of Ad-Blocking Software

Paid advertisements are everywhere online, but the quality is often lacking. They have become so prevalent that many consumers have found ways to avoid the nuisance by installing ad-blocking software.

Since individuals are now more discerning over what type of content they spend their time and attention on, marketers have to focus on creating good quality content to appeal to viewers. The good news is that better content doesn’t get blocked by software, so it is still an effective tool to increase brand awareness.

More Leads for a Lower Cost

It’s estimated that online content marketing costs up to 62% less than other strategies. Yet, most businesses see over three times the leads when they employ this method.

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This is a huge advantage. It gives you a great tool to grow your business in a recession. Companies can deliver effective marketing that reaches customers while saving money they can direct into other areas of their company.

As you can see, it’s no wonder that the vast majority of marketers, around 88%, are now utilizing content marketing to connect with their target audience.

Content Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business in a Recession

Are you ready to learn more about the various ways that content marketing can help your business? These are some of the most common and helpful methods employed by successful companies.

Consistent Blogging

One of the biggest methods of excellent content marketing is blogging. Nearly all websites have a section dedicated to a blog. The benefits of blogging can go a long way to growing your business in a recession.

The purpose of blogging is to share information and connect with your customers to inspire them to find out more about your brand. When you do it the right way, you encourage them to make a purchase and develop loyalty to your brand.

recession blogging for businesses

Blogging is a great way to give a voice to your brand. Posting new content consistently keeps interest levels high and drives traffic to your company site. Statistics show that regular blog posts contribute up to 97% more website hits than sites that don’t blog get.

Every business has unique needs and a different target strategy to see results. The type of blogs that you create, and the frequency with which you post them can make a big difference. You may find it intimidating to generate the volume of content required. Fortunately, an expert service such as BKA Content can create blog posts tailored to your industry and content preferences.

Blogging Works

Our monthly blog writing service improves lead generation, builds brands, and increases traffic.

Email Marketing

Don’t forget the effectiveness of a simple email marketing campaign. Email easily reaches a massive audience and has a fantastic return on investment. It doesn’t take much to personalize your emails to send a specific message directly to a customer.

Emails are great ways to send incentives such as discounts and sale information. They also give you a convenient way to update customers on new product releases and exciting upcoming events.

Multiple Distribution Channels

Part of the reason why content marketing is such a successful strategy is that you can direct your efforts toward many tactics and distribution channels simultaneously. Use multiple channels that are diverse in nature to get your brand information in front of as many people as possible.

Content Creation and Distribution Management

Running a business is tough. It takes time and dedication. Sometimes you aren’t able to devote your attention to each necessary task the way you would like. This is why it’s so essential to hire someone to manage your content marketing.

Up to 73% of big businesses have learned the value of hiring an expert to create high-quality content with a focus on optimal distribution methods. Having an employee in this role helps you manage your resources more effectively and allows a dedicated professional to devote themself to learning and implementing the latest strategies.

Getting Started With Content Marketing

An excellent way to get started is to enlist the services of a company that can help you achieve your desired results. BKA Content’s monthly blog writing service drives traffic to your business to increase leads and sales.

Don’t wait until you see sales falling to take action. Your business can weather any recession if you develop a solid plan and work with professionals who can help. At BKA Content, we use SEO blog writing and targeted keywords to give you real results you can see. With our expert knowledge and assistance, you can grow your business in a recession and see success even during the toughest of times.

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