How To Properly Use Semicolons

How To Properly Use Semicolons

How To Properly Use Semicolons Why did the semicolon break up with the period? Because they had nothing in comma. If there is any post on punctuation that should begin with a joke, it is this one. Whenever I talk about semicolons, I can just feel people around me...
Avoiding Sexist Language in Writing

Avoiding Sexist Language in Writing

Avoiding Sexist Language in Writing Recently, my two-year-old son has learned that there is a difference between boys and girls. A few weeks ago, my husband was explaining that Connor and Daddy were boys, but that Mommy was a girl. While he listened, Connor seemed...
Get a Good Laugh With Misplaced Modifiers

Get a Good Laugh With Misplaced Modifiers

Get a Good Laugh With Misplaced Modifiers Did your mom ever call out the entire list of your siblings’ or pets’ names before getting to yours? I only have two sons and I do it already. There’s just something about being a parent (sleep deprivation, anyone?) that can...
Proofreading Tips for a Procrastinator

Proofreading Tips for a Procrastinator

If you are like me, you like to manage your online reputation pretty carefully. (Raise your hand if you revise your Facebook status 14 times before posting!) Even though your 1248 friends (with a capital F) may not read your latest article, now is the time to let that...