Being a Grammar Snob Can Cost You Friends

I’ll openly admit that ever since I started writing, proofreading and editing for a living, I’ve become more critical of mistakes I see in another person’s writing. Call it a working hazard. Not too long ago, I gladly bore the title of “grammar snob,” but recently, I’ve come to realize that gently pointing out the constant mix-up of “your” and “you’re” I see on my friends’ Facebook profiles is akin to telling a mother her baby is unnaturally hideous. It’s unnecessary and hurts feelings. Listen up, fellow snobs, here’s how your good grammarly intentions can cost you friends.

If It Can’t Be Corrected, It’s Not Worth It

You know how they say there’s no use crying over spilled milk? Well, there’s also no use pointing out mistakes you notice on signs, t-shirts and other products with mistakes that can’t be rectified with a few taps of the delete or backspace key. While you might be bursting to point out such mistakes, your friends may stop inviting you to hang out with them for fear that you’ll spend your time looking for common grammar mistakes and ranting the entire night rather than embarrassing yourself during karaoke like a true friend.

Your Friends May Block You From Seeing Their Social Media Posts

Something else I’ll admit (is this a blog or a confession?) is that I’ve blocked some of my Facebook friends from seeing my posts for various reasons. If you’re wondering why Johnny “The EntreBROneur” Hyde from high school no longer shares his latest get-rich scheme, it could be because he’s blocked you and your grammar snobbery from basking in his social media business promotion brilliance. I get that you feel you’re helping your friends by pointing out simple grammar slip-ups, but your good intentions could push you out of more than a few social circles.

Come to Grips With Shifts in Language

Just like Pokemon, language evolves over time. Unlike Pokemon, language doesn’t give a flying gerund how you feel about its evolution … and your friends probably don’t either. Textspeak, the unnecessary shortening of already-short words and phrases like “I can’t even,” make me feel out of touch with these young whippersnappers. If you feel the same and want to share your opinions with your less-grammarly-inclined friends, you may come across as stubborn, elitist and unwilling to accept change. This may be far from the truth, but you have to remember that you have limited control over how your friends perceive you. Just do what I do and use GrammarSpot to vent your anguish.

You’re Wasting Time That Could Be Spent Making Great Memories

When you’re blocked from social media profiles, seen as stuck in your ways, and no longer invited on outings with friends, you’re likely missing out on some fantastic opportunities to make equally fantastic memories with your friends. Think about how many of your fondest memories involve correcting grammar. You want to be seen as a font of useful information related to the English language, not a lonely iceberg drifting in a sea of perfectly written sentences.

To find out where you fall on the grammar snob scale, take this BuzzFeed quiz. Are there any confessions you’d like to share regarding your reputation as a Grammar City Police Officer? Feel free to sound off below in the comments.


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